- Multiplicative Schwartz-type block multi-color GS smoother for AMG - Masatoshi Kawai, RIKEN R-CCS
- Innovative Methods for Scientific Computing in the Exascale Era by Integrations of (Simulation+Data+Learning) - Kengo Nakajima, The University of Tokyo
- Improvement of HACApK Library Using Lattice H-matrices - Akihiro Ida, The University of Tokyo
- Design of a HPC Ensemble learning User behavior Anomaly detection framework - Abdoulaye Diop (University of Paris Saclay/Atos-Evidian)
- Performance Improvement of Deep Learning Training on Large-scale Manycore Cluster - Toshihiro Hanawa, The University of Tokyo
- Minimal-Precision Computing for High-Performance, Energy-Efficient, and Reliable Computations - Toshiyuki Imamura, RIKEN
- Dynamic Multitasking in a PGAS language XcalableMP 2.0 - Hitoshi Murai, RIKEN R-CCS
- Development of FPGA-GPU combined application and FPGA-FPGA communication system - Norihisa Fujita, University of Tsukuba
- SPPEXA - Software for Exascale Computing - Severin Reiz (TUM)
- EXAHD: An Exa-Scaleble Two-Level Approach for Higher-Dimenional Problems in Plasma Physics and Beyond - Hans-Joachim Bungartz (TUM)